Serenity portfolio?

Hey Serenity!

Curious to know if you guys have a portfolio that you invest in with the screened stocks on the site? I know this isn’t help or advice but I’m just curious since value is pretty hard to find sometimes. Thanks for everything again! My portfolio is up over 30% YTD because of the screens :)

Dear gonny17,

Thank you for your forum post!
It's great to hear about your portfolio.

The initial seed capital required for the founding of Serenity in 2011 was acquired from a stock portfolio based on the same Graham rules used now on Serenity.

That first portfolio was built by applying Graham's rules — using an ordinary spreadsheet software — on a small number (50-100) of possible value stocks, and then selecting the best possible candidates from that list.

The success of this portfolio led to idea of comparing all listed stocks using a full database software, and building a more user-friendly front-end interface around it.

The majority of Serenity's development and maintenance expenses since 2011 have continued to be funded by successive iterations of that first portfolio, all of which have been based on the same Graham rules; across nine years of market and business cycles.

Serenity therefore continues to operate thanks to both its subscribers, and to Graham!

Amazing, im glad to be apart of this website and group. Thanks again for the reply!

Dear gonny17,

Thank you!
And again, it's great to hear about your portfolio.