Best screener settings and strats

Where is the best place to start in this [mess] of a forum (SMH) I have had some success but overall inconsistent predicting strong runners. it appears that flash-in-the-pan tickers only show up for a very short time do run but never know how long or how long should hold. Any help or advice is appreciated

Dear lostmarxbro,

Thank you for your forum post!

Your post has been slightly modified to keep the language more professional. Thank you for understanding! The best way to discuss General Queries on GrahamValue is to create a new post on the Forums as you have just done.

The best place to start with GrahamValue is with the Quick Reference, especially with the Tutorial Video list (also given below).

The first video in the list is slightly outdated but is retained as-is for continuity, and is followed by more recent videos that explain later modifications and enhancements. The Screener Preset Links in the Quick Reference and its Footnotes are explained in the Tutorial Videos as well.

Regarding holding periods, please see Graham's Notes on Selling.

Thank you again for your forum post!

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